Saturday, September 19, 2009

Long time no blog...

What can I say? Six Months and no blogging, Whew! In six months, spring and summer has come and gone. We had a wonderful summer that included a girls trip to Chicago, swim and dive team, and a great trip to Destin. Baylee had an awesome summer. Every year she continues to BLOW ME AWAY with her swimming. She is such a natural. She glides through that water with such ease, so it seems. She spent her entire summer waking up early to get to the pool by 8am for practice. Her hard work paid off, she won many races and dive meets. We are so proud of her. School is back in full swing. Baylee is playing volleyball this fall for her school. Not only is she a great athlete, but an exceptional leader. She is the first to praise and encourage her team members. The younger girls really seem to look up to her as a leader. As for Michael and myself, we are WONDERFUL! We are still as happy or even more than the day we were married. The Lord has continued to bless us in so many ways. Michael is still working for Pilot Catastrophe. He is one of the top adjusters in his division. The consistent pay check is a "perk" of the job, unlike the real estate market. I just received a very exciting promotion at work. This job comes with a lot of responsibility. I answer to the "higher ups" in my company. With this new position, it opens the door for me to quickly work my up in the company. Like any new position, it comes with new pressure and stresses. I am grateful of a wonderful manager that went to bat for me and felt that I was capable of this position...even though I'm not to sure yet! Other than that, this bunch is staying busy and staying in the road or airways. Life is GREAT!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Busy Busy

I had no idea that it has been so long since my last update. I guess that is the true test of our hectic lives. Michael and I have been on the search for the perfect house. We have found one house out of the "hundreds" that we have looked at (not really.) Our only reservation, it is 3 bedrooms and just in case we add to the family, it wouldn't be big enough. Baylee would have her own suite, literally on the other side of the house. The master closet is the size of Baylee's room now, LOVE IT! So, we are still praying about it. It is a new construction and the builder is willing to accommodate me and my taste. We will see... Work is crazy busy. I am from one end of the country to the other. I guess you can say it is job security in these economic times. Michael and Baylee have done a great job of holding the fort down at home. Pray that things slow down a little for the summer. I am ready for swim team!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The hunt is on...

The hunt is on...for what you ask?? A NEW HOUSE! Yeah! We are so excited and ready to move. Still the big question, build or buy a new house?? With my traveling, the idea of trying to build a house is a little overwhelming. What if I am in the middle of no where like Kansas and I need to pick out floors? What am I going to do? I know it is all about time management. I remember trying to work, be a mom, and plan a wedding. That was crazy to say the least. This is a house! We have looked at a lot of new construction. I think that we have decided on a 4 bedroom and at least 2 1/2 bath. I had no idea all the stuff that you can add to a house. Cool Stuff!! We found one that house the fireplace on the back porch and is wired for a flat panel. Imagine watching football by the fire..outside! Back to reality...thing big thing for us is the kitchen. Michael and I love to cook and we something that my entire family can come over and join us. So, say a prayer that we find house at the right time. Yippee!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sad Baylee

I don't know if any one else ever gets that uneasy feeling when things are going really good. Sometimes I just stop and think...hmm can this be real? All the things going on in this world and my life seems to be going really good. Why me? Why do I deserve happiness? Don't get me wrong, my life has not been easy. I have endured many painful things. Still to this day after everything, I am still amazed at human nature. Mean and miserable people that love to see turmoil and want to take everyone down with them. Then you have good people that love their family and all the sudden out of nowhere, tragedy.
Baylee had just gotten home form her Dad's on Sunday and received a message on facebook that one her friends was killed earlier that day in an accident. The look of terror on her face at that moment was so overwhelming for me, her Mom. Her friend, Dillion, was killed on a 4-wheeler accident after pulling out in front of a car. As her Mom, there are no words to comfort. All I could do was hold her. She has cried for days. With the loss of my brother, Baylee understands the finality of death, unlike most kids her age. For those of you that know Baylee, her heart is unlike most. She feels the pain of others. Her heart has ached over Dillion's death. What I have I learned about Dillion's family through his death, he brother has a life threatening illness. I was told that this family's only other son's health is failing is not expected to live through the year. Why God? Why must this family endure so much? I ask you to pray for this family and through all of this, God's plan will be revealed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Life is good at our house...I have to say, like always. Baylee is still the greatest kid ever. She is making all A's and this week is "going out with" an eighth grader. Remember, she is only in seventh grade. Boys Boys Boys...they are coming out of the wood works...she is killing me. What happened?? Where is my baby girl? She is going to start swimming this March. We are waiting until after her birthday in March for her to start back and then she will be swimming with the high school kids..I'm not sure if I am ready for that. Bigger and faster girls but that tends to drive Baylee more to swim harder. We are praying about sending her to the Auburn swim camp for a week this summer. She is fired up and ready to go...but I'm not. I am sacred to DEATH to send her all alone and without ME. She is ready to pack her suitcase! Haha, that's my girl, NO FEAR! I have been busy with work and loving my job. I have made so many friends and look forward to going to work...kinda of weird, I know. Michael is doing great and is still the best husband ever. Although, right now he is on the hunt for a boat. He cracks me up...I knew getting my BMW would eventually have strings attached. No strings, just a boat. That's ok, I want one too but don't tell him. Life is good...lot of stress in our life is finally gone for good with no turning back. God has continued to bless us and we are excited about what is in store...big plans are ahead.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I haven fallen head over heels in love...with my niece Kaia. As I talked about in my Christmas blog, we have a new addition to the family. Kaia is 2 years old and just the cutest thing EVER!! She reminds me so much of Baylee at that age. Life of the party and never meets a funny. Kaia and my brother are in town until next week, so I sneak over to Mom's every chance I get. The funny thing is that Kaia has fallen in love with Michael. She wants him to hold her and and she snuggles up to him. It is so cute! He is such a GREAT Uncle to our nieces and nephews. They all love him...I have to share my baby snuggle time with him. I am trying to figure out a way to lay on the runway to prevent them from flying home to NYC. I could drive them home in my new Christmas present but...that is a 2 day trip. So, I will spend as much time as I can with her and beg and plead with my brother to move back to Alabama. I will keep you posted...if you hear about a woman arrested on the runway at the Mobile airport...don't worry, it's just me! Send any donations to Michael for him to post my that a federal offense??

Friday, January 2, 2009

A new year

Wow! A new year already, I can't believe it. It has been a wonderful year for Michael, Baylee and I. We have learn so much about life, married life and parenthood. Some things that were wonderful, hard lessons that we learned, and somethings that we just needed out of our lives. God has continued to bless us and touch our lives everyday. I have never been so happy in my life and there are many days that I just want to pinch myself to make sure that it is all real. I am excited about what 2009 has in store for us. We are getting ready to build a house. We are narrowing down the field of house plans and agreeing on the style of house. Right now, we are trying to decided on acreage to build on or a neighborhood. I vote for the neighborhood, we don't have time for up keep of property. We are leaving it all in God's plans and know that he will put us in the right place at the right time. Although, we are very excited to get into a home that is "ours." Baylee is continuing to grow and blossom into a young woman before our eyes. We are already discussing colleges..WAR EAGLE! She is really helping me so much around the house now that I am back to work. I am off for the weekend and am looking forward to spending time with Baylee. With 2009, comes life in the fast lane. Our calender for January and February is already full. So , stay in touch and let us know what is going on with you. The Jeffrey-Jackson bunch is wishing you a wonderful and blessed 2009!